Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging application. Today, Telegram application has been made for different types of operating systems of computers and smart phones. It was first created for iOS and later for Android. Now Telegram has also reached many people like WhatsApp. People are now taking advantage of Telegram in various ways. But do you know that you can also use it to earn money. In this article you will know how to earn money from Telegram. Now if you want, you can also run it through Telegram website.
How to earn money from Telegram
Although Telegram does not have any official monetization program. Still people are earning thousands of rupees per month by using it. You can also earn, for that first you will have to download Telegram application.
After downloading the application, you can earn money from Telegram by creating different types of channels or through the channels of others. You can create two types of channels on Telegram.
- Public Channels – Anyone can watch and join these types of channels. Anyone can easily find public channels with the help of Telegram’s search bar.
- Private Channel – Only the person to whom the administrator sends the invitation link can join private channels.
Apart from these channels, you can also create public groups on Telegram. Anyone can join these groups and up to 2 lakh members can join a group, as if this is a public channel of physics.
In this article you will find four selected methods on the topic “How to earn money from Telegram”. By now you must have known a lot about Telegram, so let us know which are these four selected methods:
#1. Earn money from Telegram by taking subscription fees
If you have any kind of premium content, you can monetize it through a private channel on Telegram. To monetize you can follow the steps given below:
- First of all, download Telegram application, then create a private channel according to your content.
- After creating the channel, you will have to upload your premium content on your channel in a very organized manner.
- After uploading, you have to join Telegram groups similar to your content. And the people of that group will have to tell about their private channel and share the link. So that he can join your channel. Keep in mind that you will have to do all this work from a separate Telegram account.
- Apart from this, you will also have to promote your channel in other public and private channel You may also have to spend some money in getting promotion.
After following all these steps, when people start requesting to join your channel, then you can charge joining fees from them. You can take this fee from them at one time or you can also take it every month.
#2. Earn money from Telegram by advertising
To earn money in this way, you should have a good number of subscribers or members on your Telegram channels. You can run ads based on the content of your channel or group behavior
You can understand it like this – as if you have a technology related channel on Telegram. On which there are about 50 thousand subscribers. And you keep posting technology related content on it regularly.
And 60-70 percent of your subscribers see the content posted by you. You can earn money by running tech related ads on such high regular views.
You can consider the following points to place ads in Telegram:
- First of all, pin a post in your channel that you are available for advertising.
- Go to other social media platforms and tell people about your proposal in groups and communities.
- Contact different brands and talk to them for advertising.
#3. Earn money from Telegram by doing affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is a very good way to earn money from Telegram. In Affiliate Marketing we have to sell someone else’s products or services. In return you get commission
This commission varies from company to company. You can also get 1 to 50 percent commission for selling products or services.
You must have seen many such channels on Telegram which post loot and best deals. Actually these channels are doing affiliate marketing only. For example, you can see the Telegram channel of Offer Box Official.
To earn money in this way, first you have to add subscribers. You have to regularly upload content to your channel to add subscribers.
Apart from this, you can also get your channel promoted to grow your channel faster. Once you have a good number of subscribers, you can start with the following affiliate programs:
- Amazon Affiliate Marketing
- Admitad’s Affiliate Program
- vCommission Affiliate Marketing
- Flipkart Affiliate Marketing
#4. Earn money by selling your courses on Telegram
If you have a good level of understanding in any subject, then you can also earn money by selling your courses on Telegram. Many people are doing this. For example, you can see Agriculture Exams Library Telegram channel.
Your chances of earning in this way are very high. Because nowadays people easily buy valuable courses to learn their favorite subject. Your courses should have strength.
You just have to put in a lot of hard work once to create powerful courses. If you want, you can also make it with other people. When your course is ready, you can start selling it.
You can sell your courses in the following ways:
- If you do not have a Telegram channel then you will have to talk to the owners of other Telegram channels. You can search for channels related to your topic on Telegram and offer them to sell your course or even make a contract.
- If you have your own Telegram channel and have a good number of subscribers on it, then you can tell them about your course. And can sell them.
Telegram is a social media platform. You can share any kind of digital content with people through Telegram. That too with complete security without reducing the quality. Many people are taking advantage of this feature and earning money from Telegram.
In this article you learned how to earn money from Telegram. We have written four such methods on this topic, using which you can really earn money from Telegram.
You can start working on any method by carefully considering the four methods mentioned by us. If you have any question related to this article, you can ask us by commenting.
Read More: How to Earn Money from Instagram
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