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How to earn money from blogging: Know complete information in Hindi

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In today’s time, people are earning money online in many ways. One of them is blogging. When blogging started, people mostly shared their personal experiences on blogs which were related to their daily life. But today the use of blogging has completely changed. In today’s modern era, the form of blogging has completely changed. People are selling many of their products and services through blogging and are getting good profit from it. In this article you will know how to earn money from blogging in 2023. It can take a few months to years for a blog to rise, so it is very important to have patience while blogging.

How to earn money from blogging

There are many ways to earn money from blogging through which you can earn a good amount of money every month. But for that you will have to be very patient as well as work hard. Because it is difficult to tell how much time it will take for a blog to grow. However, if you work well on any one of the methods mentioned by us, then you can get good results soon. So let’s know in detail about the ways to earn money from blogging.

1. Earn money through ads | Earn money from ads

Friends, nowadays every small and big thing is advertised. People spend a lot of money on advertising these days. It is also necessary for them because in today’s time many people are offering the same product and service. Therefore, people advertise their products and services through advertising companies to sell more of their products and services.

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If you have a very good blog which gets a good amount of traffic, then you can monetize your blog through advertising. You can use these methods to monetize the blog through advertising.

Google AdSense

In this method, first you will have to apply for Google Adsense. After that, when you get the permission, advertisements will be placed on your blog by Google itself. 

Most of the advertisements placed will be related to the topic of your blog, so you have to be very careful while choosing the topic of the blog. Whenever a reader sees or clicks on any advertisement on your blog, you will get money in return.


In this way people earn the most money from their blogs. But for this the traffic on your blog should be very good. Many people sponsor articles on blogs related to their products and services to promote their products and services. Bloggers get more money from sponsors than from Adsense.

Providing advertising space on your blog

When your blog starts running well, then you can sell some space on the most popular articles on your blog for brand promotion. Big bloggers charge different amounts for different spaces on their blogs.

2. Affiliate marketing

In this method, how much money you earn from your blog depends on your blog niche. In Affiliate Marketing, you can give a direct link to buy the products and services written in your blog. If the reader buys that product or service by going to the given link, then you will get some percentage commission of that product or service. This percentage commission is different for different things.

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For example, if the topic of your blog is related to weight loss, then you can provide links to many such products in your blog which will help people to lose weight. But keep in mind that you have to write articles keeping in mind the interest of your readers and you have to put links of only those products which are really useful for them. This will maintain your trust among your readers.

3. Selling physical or digital products or services

If you want, you can sell your own or someone else’s products or services through your blog. You can also create an online store for your blog where all the products or services mentioned in your blog are available.

Selling physical products or services requires more effort and resources. On the other hand, you can easily deliver digital products or services to your customers.

If we understand from the above example, if you want to sell a digital diet plan, you just have to create it once and you can sell it many times. But if you want to sell a machine that helps in weight loss, then you will need a lot of resources for it.

4. Guiding and training

Friends, nowadays people are learning many things online. If you run a blog through which you guide or train people about many aspects of their life (such as matters related to relationships, how to take the right decision, how to start a work, etc.), then you can also earn money in this way.

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You can create special courses, videos, ebooks etc. for your training or guidance which people can download and read or watch. You just have to keep some price for all your things, after paying which anyone can easily take all these things. In this way you can monetize the training or guidance given by you.

5. Making a membership community for your active readers

There are many blogs which have a lot of active readers because people like reading the articles of that blog. There can be many reasons for a blog to have active readers, such as a news blog. On these types of blogs, something new comes every day which people like to see or read, so there is a lot of traffic on blogs like news.

If you also have a similar blog then you can create a membership group. In which you can provide some different and special content to the readers of membership. You can charge some money in exchange for membership.


Friends, whenever you start blogging, keep in mind that this process takes time. Success in this line will be achieved only if you stay patient and continuously engaged. The methods given above in the article are those by which people are earning the most.

Apart from these methods, there can be many other small and big ways through blogging through which you can earn money. Many people start blogging as a second priority and when their blog starts working, they start doing it full time.






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