seo kaise kare in hindi

SEO Kaise Kare in Hindi » Rank article in just 24 hours

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Whenever we put any content on a website, we want it to reach as many people as possible. Many things have to be done to make any content reach as many people as possible. In this article, you will learn about SEO. Which is a very good way to increase the reach of your content. In this article, we have explained in full detail how to do SEO. After reading this article, you will also learn to do SEO of your content.

What is SEO Friendly Content? (SEO Friendly Content)

Writing SEO friendly content means that your content is written in such a way that it helps search engines to find and rank your content.

For this, you will have to write the subject information of your content in such detail and in an easy way that both search engines and readers can understand and read your content easily.

The main topic of your content should be well connected to your entire content. So that if someone searches the topic written by you, then the search engines show them the article written by you.

For this, search engines should know that you have also written about that searched topic. Along with this, you also have to keep in mind that you do not deviate from your main topic at all while writing the article.

How to make your content SEO friendly? (SEO kaise kare)

To make your content SEO friendly, you must follow the points given below.

seo kaise kare in hindi

1. What should be the structure of the content? (Content Structure)

To understand the structure of content, we can take the example of how to write a good article –

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To write an article on any topic, first of all you should have sufficient information related to that topic. To collect information, give more priority to authentic sources.

After collecting the information, you can start writing the article. First of all, you have to write the introduction of your article. In the introduction, you have to tell on which topic you have written in your article. And what information the reader is going to get after reading it.

After writing the introduction, you have to write the main information of your article in such a way that the first thing written is connected to the second thing. So that the flow of reading of the reader is not disturbed and they are forced to read the article completely.

After the main information, you can write a conclusion of the entire article. In the conclusion, you can tell the reader what information he got after reading your article. After this, you can give some message or comment to your readers at the end.

2. Use of headlines, headings, sub-headings etc.

There are many benefits of creating headings and sub-headings. Creating them makes it very easy for the reader to read the content. And the readability of the content also increases. These things also apply to search engines.

When the crawlers of search engines visit any website, they take the entire content (text) of that website and store it in a database. They also store the external and internal links of that website.

Therefore, we should create headlines of any article (content) after thinking well. Because these headlines help a lot in increasing the ranking of our article.

3. Use of focus keyword (Select a Focus keyword)

Keep in mind that you must use the focus keyword in your article. The keyword or term on which you want to see your content ranked in the search engine is called the focus keyword.

Most of the content is written on the focus keyword. Keep in mind that the focus keyword should neither be used too many times nor too few times in the article. How many times the focus keyword should be used depends on the length and topic of the article.

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Focus keywords are used more frequently in articles on longer and general topics. Using focus keywords makes it easier for search engines to divide your content into categories. You should try to write the focus keyword at the beginning and end of your article.

4. Including links from your previous articles in new articles

It is very important to interlink your articles. By interlinking articles, readers get to know about your good articles. And traffic to your previous content also starts increasing due to interlinking.

Search engine crawlers also read and collect links. So if you have an article that gets a lot of traffic, you can interlink it with your article that has less traffic. By doing this, the chances of increasing the traffic of that article increases.

5. Do keyword research related to the focus keyword or topic (Keyword Research)

Before writing an article on any topic or keyword, we should thoroughly research the keywords related to that topic. By doing this, we get to know how much people are searching about our chosen topic.

The researched keywords related to the topic tell us what to write in the article and how much to write. Writing the article according to the researched keywords also increases the ranking of the article. Because those keywords are searched more by people.

If the quality of your article is better than the quality of other articles, then your article can rank in search engines on these researched keywords. There are many online tools available for keyword research, such as ahrefs .

6. Use images or photos properly (Use Images)

Make sure to use photos or images in your article. Because the use of photos or images increases the quality of the article. This makes your content even more attractive and the reader also enjoys reading it.

While selecting photos or images, keep in mind that the photos you choose are related to the topic of your article or are illustrating your article.

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The size of photos or images also affects the SEO of the article. We should not use photos or images of too large a size. Due to the large size, the loading time of the website page increases. Due to which the SEO of the site is adversely affected.

You should use small size images or photos. Along with this, you also have to keep in mind that the quality and visibility of the image should not deteriorate. If you want, you can edit your photos online using Canva.  

After selecting the images and making their size, you have to name them as well. Images can be named on the researched keywords. Apart from this, you can also name them as per your wit. 

One thing to keep in mind is that you should not forget to enter ALT tags. Because search engines also read ALT tags. And correctly filled ALT tags can increase the ranking of your images. 

7. Content Title and Meta Description

While writing the title of the content, make sure that the focus keyword is used in it. You should try to write the title in such a way that after reading it, the reader understands what information he will get inside.

Along with this, you will also have to make the title a little attractive so that people’s curiosity to click on the link of that title increases.

In the meta description, you have to write a summary of your article in very few words. This lets the readers know about what topic they will get information about in your article.

While writing meta description, you also have to keep in mind that you do not write the gist of the article in it.


The SEO of a content can either raise it or bring it down. While doing SEO, we have to take care of many things. Like how the content is structured, how the headlines are made, how the photos and images are used in the content, etc. 

While writing the article, you have to keep in mind that its readability should be good and the content should be of high quality. Along with this, you also have to control the length of your article according to the topic chosen.

In this article, we have written the topic of SEO Kaise Kare in great detail for you. So that you can use this information to do SEO of your content well.

If you have any question related to this article, you can message us. We will try to answer your questions as soon as possible.






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